Information security / ISO27001:2022


As technology and information play an increasingly important role for people and organisations, the security of information is becoming increasingly important. The risk and threat of cyber-attacks and data leaks are increasing. That is why we at R&R WFM see information security as one of our top priorities. We therefore commit ourselves to a strict information security policy.

R&R is certified according to the ISO27001:2022 standard. According to NEN (Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut, national body that develops and manages ISO standards) companies with the ISO27001:2022 certification meet all requirements around information security. This demonstrates that the organization takes information security seriously and handles (sensitive) information safely and with integrity across the entire width of the organization.

ISO27001:2022 is the standard for information security

ISO27001:2022 is a globally recognized standard in the field of information security. The standard describes how to deal with securing information in a process-oriented way, with the aim of ensuring the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information within the organization. Examples include protecting personal and/or company data, protection against hackers and intrusions. (Source:

Ready for the future

By obtaining the ISO27001:2022 certification, we demonstrate that we have our information security in good order and that this makes us a demonstrably reliable partner for our customers. Now and in the future. Because the ISO standard requires not just a one-time audit, but continuous awareness and compliance with the rules and processes. For optimal security of information. Of course, periodic checks and new audits also take place to evaluate information security and keep it at an optimum level at all times.

Responsible Disclosure

At R&R, the security of our systems is very important to us. Despite our care for the security of our systems, there may still be a vulnerability. If you have found a vulnerability in one of our systems, please let us know so that we can take action as soon as possible. We would like to work with you to better protect our customers and our systems.

Read more about responsible disclosure and how we want to work with you to best protect our systems.

Additional information on information security and ISO 27001:2022

Upon request, we can provide additional information about our information security policy and ISO27001:2022. Consider the certificate and statement of applicability. Please contact the R&R service desk or your account manager for more information.

Workforce management and information security

Does your organisation face challenges in the areas of labour costs, productivity, planning and/or scheduling according to laws and regulations? Or do you have issues in the area of workforce management and information security? Then contact us for an exploratory meeting, free of obligation. We will be happy to tell you how our WFM software and services contribute to smarter staff planning, results and to meeting the high demands of information security.