Here you will find some examples of graduation assignments that relate specifically to our after sales department. This department deals with everything to do with customers and users: including implementations, setup, customer advice, training and user support.
For these graduation projects, there are no fixed requirements in terms of study direction or background. Interest, a positive mindset and a mutual click are of course important. We have already drawn up a number of nice assignments, but we are always open to your own proposal. So do you have a good idea? We would love to hear from you. Together we can come up with a good graduation assignment.
Problem Statement: Each year, many new users gain access to R&R. These are people with whom we as a company have no direct contact. How do we make sure they have the best possible understanding of R&R and can get started right away?
Assignment: In the supermarket world there is a lot of turnover in personnel. Every day there are personnel changes that cause, for example, filler shift workers to become shift leaders and suddenly have to plan with R&R. This is their first impression of R&R as a scheduling application. How do we ensure that we ensure that new users:
Problem Statement: The after sales department currently has no centralized steering information available. To realize the growth ambition, we are looking for a central way to steer on KPIs.
Engagement: R&R has a number of KPIs that are managed, but no central way to have information always available to everyone. To become the European market leader, it is necessary for the after sales department to have insight into the (influenceable) KPIs at all times. R&R is looking for a graduate student who:
Problem Statement: A demo of R&R is an important part of the sales process with new customers. Offering a demo now takes a lot of manpower and hours. How can we most efficiently offer a demo of our product to potential customers?
Assignment: You write an advisory report on the most optimal way to give potential customers a quick taste of our product. For this, you will do research on how other providers of (WFM) software do this, and move through the organization to identify the technical possibilities and impossibilities.
Problem Statement: Where software is made, bugs happen. Yes, even with us. What happens after a bug is detected? Or maybe the notification is more of a customer's desire? The process from notification to problem or change (and feedback to the customer) can be further improved.
Assignment: Advise us on the optimal process for dealing with bugs and changes, across all departments of the organization. To do this, you will also research other software providers. How do they handle this? Implement this process within our service desk software. Involve all internal stakeholders in the (possible) change of internal process.
Problem Statement: Consultants work on many projects for our clients. Tracking and recording actual hours is now cumbersome and opaque.
Assignment: Research and provide advice on how to make time tracking easier and more efficient. For example, consider introducing a tool that helps us with time tracking. You will work with the finance department to also make the hours to be invoiced as transparent and quick as possible.
Problem Statement: As R&R, we work with different projects. For example, a project to implement R&R at a customer's site. A project consists of many phases. Those phases are supported by a variety of documentation. The documents arise ad hoc, and are not always aligned.
Assignment: Create for us a portfolio of standard formats that fit the different project phases. For this, you will research other companies that also use our methodology and provide advice on how to optimize this process.
Problem Statement: Every day we receive many questions from our customers in our support department. Some questions we receive more frequently than others. One question that comes back frequently stems from a lack of clarity for the customer(s)/users. How do we ensure that customers do not have to ask this question?
Assignment: Investigate which topics generate the largest influx of user questions. Devise a working method that will result in fewer (the same) customer questions coming in. This could include better information for the customer, an improved working method for our support department, or another good alternative that will make the customer (and therefore us) happy.
Problem Statement: Changes to the software are accompanied by a change for the user. To create as much support as possible, we communicate with the customer through different channels. Is the current form of communication optimal?
Assignment: Give advice on ways to communicate. In doing so, indicate what competitors are doing (differently)? Give advice on ways to communicate more effectively.
Problem Statement: Our R&R application has many different data flows. Employee data comes in at one end, while compensation data goes out at the other end. There are mostly automatic data flows that take care of this in our application. Are there ways to reduce the number of types of data streams?
Task: Map the current landscape of data flows. Is it cost-effective to maintain all links (interfaces)? Give the pros and cons of this, make a cost-benefit analysis and make a recommendation on our interface portfolio.
Is your ideal assignment not listed, but do you like the idea of graduating from R&R? Don't hesitate to contact us. We would love to get to know you and look at the possibilities for your ideal graduation assignment together.