With our planning tool, you can deploy your staff as effectively as possible. This allows you to make considerable savings on labour costs. Read more here.
Organisations face challenges in creating an orderly and effective workforce planning. For supermarkets in particular, this is a considerable challenge. In order to have the right tasks performed at the right time by the right employee, it is necessary to collect sufficient insights. In our previous blog, we told you how to get a grip on your staff planning and staffing with the right planning tool. In this blog, we will tell you more about deploying the right staff at the right cost and how you can save on this.
The costs of a (large) organisation can mount up considerably. From paying the rent to the cost of the premises and stock. Personnel costs and loss of earnings are the largest cost items that can be influenced. Sufficient staff must be present every day to ensure a high level of service. This is also quite a task when working with fresh products. In order to save costs, we therefore look at which costs can be controlled. We are talking about costs that are controllable or uncontrollable:
In addition, schedules and rosters, i.e. controllable personnel costs, are constantly changing. Perhaps you recognise it yourself: at the last minute, a number of shifts have been changed, as a result of which there seemed to be a gap in the planning. Your staff try to solve this among themselves, with all good intentions, but the result is that there are now three expensive employees scheduled in instead of one. So how do you make sure you still have control of the situation? A planning tool makes this possible.
Do you have the right insights at your disposal thanks to the planning tool? Then you will take steps to control the labour costs. Our package already offers many useful insights with which you can make a well-considered decision. These insights can be used to save on various aspects:
With these goals in mind, we set to work at Scheepers Retail Groep:
"If you work in a targeted way and use the system properly, savings of 0.5% to 1% on labour costs can be achieved relatively easily within a year. In addition, more grip on the operational processes quickly leads to a 20% improvement in productivity".
Peter Peels - Director Retail
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